07957 284851 
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Venue - Online via Zoom Hosted by Kristina Richardson Busy Women.Net - For business women like YOU 

Meeting time - 12pm - 2pm 
Meeting Cost - £12 
Meeting Dates :  
Tuesday 9th January 2024 
Tuesday 13th February 2024 
Tuesday 12th March 2024 
Tuesday 9th April 2024 
Tuesday 14th May 2024 
Tuesday 11th June 2024 
Tuesday 9th July 2024 
BWN Summer Event - Monday 29th July 2024 (All Groups Together) 
Business Type 
Member's Websites
Utility Warehouse 
Energy and Phone Savings 
Heather Petty 
07787 524852 
Stefanie Price Wealth Planning 
Financial Planning 
Kris Richardson 
01234 241441 
Haines Watts Accountants 
Bianca Permal 
01296 394648 
Ailsa's Aim 
Sara-Jane Langley 
07966 574527 
Faculty Room 
Bespoke Tutoring and Translation 
Beth Whatley-Ryan  
07919 053075 
Smart PA 
Virtual PA 
Chandra Gardner 
07399 048125 
RLC Words 
Rebecca Chamberlain 
07854 736775 
Not Just Travel 
Travel Agency 
Erika Williams 
07594 309800 
Joanna Wood Photography 
Joanna Wood 
Gemma Fitness And Flow 
Holistic Movement Coach 
Gemma Junyent 
07939 104042 
Explore Your Destiny 
Counsellor and RTT Therapist Physiotherapist 
Humera Cox 
07538 730923 

If you would like to know more about Busy Women Networking or would like to join a group please click here to complete our short contact form. Alternatively please call us on 07957 284851 |  For business women like YOU